A basic conviction arose as a result of the enormous development effort that went into the design of that system. That conviction was that the key to the design of slurry systems which would operate reliably lay, not in the selection of exotic materials or the design of special equipment, but in the understanding and control of the slurry environment. More specifically, it was felt that if thellow was homogeneous, the pipeline would be stable, that is, the pressure drop would be constant with time, and also two other results would naturally follow. One result was that if the corrosive environment were controlled and made benign, the wear on the pipe would he ul)iform and of such magnitude that a pipe life of over half a century could be expected. The second result was that in a homogeneous regime the coal itself wculd-notundergoany attrition during its travel, even over very long distances. These results were proven to be true in the actual operation of that line, as well as in subsequent mineral and coal pipelines designed by the techniques outlined in this book. From this and subsequent experiences, it appeared that a book which had in mind the practicing engineer was desirable. In order to test this idea, the contents of ihe book were presented as an extension course at the University of California. This permitted the authors to gain experience in dealing with a group of practicing engineers and in determining their interests and. These classes definitely aided in structuring the material.
I' Lastly, I wish to acknowledge the very fine draftsmanship of Sam Lee who is responsible for the illustrations and to Helena Troy for her professional skill in organizing the physical aspects of the book.Į.],WAsr San Francisco, California September [976 The book is therefore intensely practical and for that reason the problems in each chapter were designed to facilitate the understanding ofthe' material and alsoro permit the readeran opportunitytoacquire confidence in his mastery of the material. Hydraulic Characteristics of Slurries 1.2.1. Effect of System Parameters on C/CA References, THE SUSPENSION OF PARTICLES IN TURBULIiNT FLOW Generalized Drag C~efficient Curves 3.4.1.
SATOSHI KAMIYA WASP 2.6 PDF PROFESSIONALĭetermination ofTransition Velocities '".